Old Projects











Plant output power 50MW. Preliminary design project for:

– Detailed design project for new substation 20/110kV;

– Detailed design project for OHL 110kV.

– Detailed design project for OHL 20kV.

– Detailed design project for cable lines 20kV

Total power of the plant 9,9 MW. The Project include:

– Design of grid substation 20kV;

– Relocation of 20kV overhead line;

– New Cable Lines 20kV;

– Reconstruction of outgoing feeder 20kV in Dabovo substation.


TPP „Sofia”. Proposal and feasibility study for the engineering of new power plant block (35MW) and turbo generator rehabilitation

WPP “Vranino”. The Project include:

– Proposal and detailed design project for HV cable line 110kV;

– Transition between overhead power line and HV power cable 110kV “Dropla”.

Photovoltaic power station “Aprilci”, power 80MW. The project includes:

– Overhead transmission line 110kV “Aprilci – Bata”;

– Equivalent model of the photovoltaic park.

Industrial gypsum plate plant „Maritza-Bulgaria”. The project included:

– Transitions between overhead line and power cable;

– New cable line 110kV

– Reconstruction of mine substation “5”.

Photovoltaic power station “Levunovo”. The total power generation of the photovoltaic power station is 2,5WM. The project included:

– Transition between overhead power line and HV power cable;

– Cable line 20kV;

– Grid substation 20kV;

– Inverter stations. 

– Transitions between overhead line and power cable;

– New cable line 110kV

– Reconstruction of mine substation “5”.



Total output power 1,1MW.

Detail Design Project of power transformer and electrical equipment for indoor switchgear 6,3/20kV.

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