“PSS Bulgaria” Ltd. is a modern, socially responsible organization, which aims to be an attractive employer by following the principles below:

  • Assigning motivated people, willing to become a part of the “PSS Bulgaria” team, and willing to contribute to the success of the company with their personal knowledge and qualities;
  • Maintaining high-quality production through training and personal knowledge
  • Development of personal organization, which
  • Развитие и изграждане на професионална организация, която поощрява индивидуалната инициатива и отговорност, творчеството и нововъведенията.


In today’s competitive environment, “PSS Bulgaria” Ltd. is looking to attract and retain all talented employees by using a modern management system and development program for human resources.

Training and career

The training and development activities are in direct contact with our surrounding environment (globalization, new technologies, and good practice) and have a major contribution to the effectiveness, the development, and the company’s targets.

The training in our company is divided into two main directions:

  • Internal – internal training, which familiarizes with the traditions and culture of the company.
  • Training that leads to improvement and mastering the knowledge and skills of the personnel.

How do you know if you are appropriate to apply?

“PSS Bulgaria” Ltd is leading a clear politic regarding the assignment of new employees. The company offers opportunities for professional development, training, appropriate payment, and professional development according to the contribution and the archived targets.

If you have an appropriate education, you are well motivated, you are ambitious and communicative and you want to continue your professional development by working in a dynamic environment, “PSS Bulgaria” is the right place for you.

Send your applications to the e-mail address: vacancy@pssbulgaria.eu


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